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Grade 4

Fourth Grade

Fourth graders broaden their view of the world by understanding the parts that make the whole.
Fourth graders broaden their view of the world by understanding the parts that make the whole.

Fourth graders have solid academic skills and the objectivity necessary to participate in more independent projects. By age 10, children have the cognitive ability to visualize the world beyond their direct experience. Main lesson projects in geography and map-making, solving complex real-world math problems, reading about Maryland history, rich studies in cultures from Northern Europe, and looking at the biology of animals from around the world are some of the topics covered in our fourth grade classroom.

Class visits to St. Mary's county and other historical sites in the region teach students about their own place in their community and the broader world. Biology focuses on the study of animals, classifying them, and studying different habitats. The study of historical Norse myths of Northern Europe brings understanding of one more culture from around the world.

Math becomes more complex in fourth grade. Fractions and how to use the basic functions with this more abstract concept are mastered. In language arts, students practice research and writing reports. Music studies broaden. Each child begins to take music lessons on a string instrument which they will use together in orchestral work in middle school. Formal physical education begins in fourth grade. Art and handwork studies bring to life the historic, cultural, and mathematical topics of the year. The works produced by our students can be seen in the hallways and classrooms around the school.

To learn more, email the Admissions Office or call: 410-367-6808, ext. 202


Related Faculty

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Hickey, Patrick Art and Woodwork Teacher Faculty, Art, Parent
McCullough, Kathleen Class Teacher Past Parent, Faculty