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School Event

After School Sports Start-Soccer

After school sports session I (Soccer) starts. All middle school students are welcome to sign up.  Runs Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays till 5pm. 

A permission form (attached below) and an additional fee is due to the front desk by Friday, Sept 6.

Welcome to After-School Sports!

Middle school students are encouraged to be part of our Waldorf sports teams throughout the year.

Our goal is to provide opportunities for students to develop their skills in a sport, as well as build their collaboration, sportsmanship, and leadership skills.

Back to School Night-6:30pm-TH

 Back to School Night: 6:30 to 8:30pm All parents, even seasoned ones, are highly encourage to attend.

Classroom Visits-all students-4pm

Visit your new classroom, bring your cubby supplies, check your desk and chair size etc...

Back to School Picnic-4:30pm

You are warmly invited to our PA Back to School Picnic to welcome all new and returning families.
4:00- 4:30pm
Grades 1-8 Classroom Welcome: Students can visit their classroom, get fitted for their desk, and drop off cubby or locker items.
4:30 - 6:30pm
Picnic for All School (Nursery through G8):
Pizza and salad provided by the PA.
Please bring a dessert to share.
Bring chairs or a blanket for comfort.
We hope to see you there!

Grades 1, 6, 7, stay through for Graduation-3:15-4pm

grades 1, 6, 7, stay at school under teacher supervision before their participation in the graduation Ceremony.

May Day/Family Day-9am

our annual Family Day, open to all extended family and friends. please rsvp to Jo in Development.