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After Waldorf

How do Waldorf Students do after 8th Grade Graduation?

Waldorf School of Baltimore students are accepted to and graduate from a broad spectrum of high schools and, further down the road, notable colleges and universities, where they excel. We hear it time and time again, these schools are looking for our students because they are sparks in the classroom - inquisitive, self-confident, and equipped to meet challenges with imaginative solutions.

Here is a list of all the High Schools our graduating students have been accepted to, or enrolled in, in the past 10 years.

Arts & Ideas
Baltimore City College
Baltimore Design School
Baltimore Polytechnic Institute (Ingenuity)
Baltimore School for the Arts
Acting, Bass, Cello, Dance, French Horn, Guitar, Stagecraft, Violin, Visual Arts
Bard Early College High School
Beth TFiloh
Boys Latin
Bryn Mawr School
Calvert Hall College High School
Catonsville High School
City Neighbors
Crofton High School
Episcopal High School
Franklin High School
Friends School of Baltimore
George W. Carver Center for Arts & Technology
Acting,Carpentry, Design and Production, Literary Arts, Visual Arts, Vocal
Gilman School
Kimberton Waldorf School
Lawrenceville Academy
Loyola Blakefield
Madeira, VA
Mercersburg Mergenthaler-Vocational High School
Park School
Philips Exeter Academy, MA
Roland Park Country School
St Paul’s
St Timothy’s
Towson High School
Washington Waldorf School
Western High School
Western School of Technology and Environmental Science

"Waldorf education addresses the child as no other education does. Learning, whether in chemistry, mathematics, history, or geography, is imbued with life and so with joy, which is the only true basis for later study. Education grows into a union with life that serves the Waldorf Student for decades. By the time they reach us at the college and university level, these students are grounded broadly and deeply and have a remarkable enthusiasm for learning. Such students possess the eye of a discoverer, and the compassionate heart of the reformer which, when joined to a task, can change the planet" ~Dr. Arthur Zajonc, Associate Professor of Physics, Amherst College