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Tiffany Hamm

Tiffany Hamm

Children's Garden Lead Teacher
School / Grade: 
Early Childhood
Parent & Child

Tiffany Hamm, a native of Baltimore, discovered her passion for Waldorf Education upon joining The Waldorf School of Baltimore in 2017 as the Front Office Receptionist. After two years as a dedicated Teacher’s Assistant in the Children’s Garden, Tiffany's commitment and love for nurturing young minds have earned her the role of Children's Garden Lead Teacher.

Returning to her roots in Baltimore in 2006, Tiffany pursued a degree in Nursing before finding her true calling in the Waldorf approach to education. Her enthusiasm for the Performing Arts has added a delightful note to both Faculty meetings and the Children’s Garden, creating a harmonious and inspiring atmosphere for all. Tiffany Hamm not only educates but embodies the spirit of Waldorf, guiding young hearts on a journey of growth and imagination.