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Children Processing Current Pandemic Through Play

Children Processing Current Pandemic Through Play

Experts say children who are openly talking about the worldwide pandemic are having a normal, healthy response.

If your child is casually mentioning the current pandemic in their day to day activities, you shouldn’t be alarmed, experts say.

Many children are processing the current state of our world through play and that’s a healthy way for parents to get a pulse on their children’s feelings according to a new article published in The Atlantic on Thursday.

Teachers in our early childhood program are able to get more insight on a child’s emotions during free play time. The daily rhythm in our Children’s Garden allows for child-directed free play giving the teacher opportunities for observation or to help nurture feelings and emotions. Children are able to overcome obstacles through play and work out their experiences through imagination giving adults a window into their mental processing.

Read the full article on The Atlantic’s website:


This article appeared on The Atlantic's website on April 1, 2020.