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Self Portrait Project — Mila

Self Portrait Project — Mila: A Board Game


The game is called LAVA and is set in the ancient city of Pompeii on August 24, 79 AD, when the powerful volcano, Mt. Vesuvius erupts. The players are ancient Romans who live in the city of Pompeii and are trying to escape certain death. Their main goal is to flee the city and make it to safety before the eruption wipes them out, all while dodging tremors, falling pumice stones, gas clouds and, of course, LAVA! I chose this project both because I have a passion for learning about history and for educating others about it, and also because the idea of a boardgame as my project is something that allows me a lot of creative freedom and is something that I can have a continued passion for throughout the process of the project. My family has always had a collection of classic boardgames we enjoy playing together, and my goal is to create something that will join that collection and be fun for the people I care about to play for years to come. Though my original idea for the game was some sort of tabletop game, that still offers numerous options for the game's format, right? Such as making a card game, or making a boardgame, like I did, or some of the numerous options for the different hybrids between these two. But, due to my personal limited access to the materials and resources needed to make a card game, I made a boardgame instead, probably the easiest decision in the project. The biggest challenge for any big project for me is always getting started and I have issues with procrastination. I definitely procrastinated this project, but by the end, it shouldn't disappoint. Other challenges I came across were making decisions between the different ideas I had for the game, like where I wanted to take my ideas and what kind of game I wanted to create. In the beginning, I had a lot of ideas for the theme, especially. Despite the challenges, I enjoyed this project because it gave me the chance to do research on an intriguing historical event, and to share that information with others, as well as the opportunity to make something that will hopefully join the shelf of my family's favorite boardgames and bring my family together through it.

See her presentation: