1 Bus. Grade 8 field trip to Jo-Ann Fabrics.
! Bus. Grade 5 Field Trip to Sri Shiva Temple to visit a Hindu temple for a tour and ceremony.
4th Grade will take the light rail and visit the Historical Society.
1 Bus. Field Trip for Grade 8 to Sunrise to present Russian Tale.
1 Bus. Field trip for grade 3 to the Maryland Historical Society for a tour and hands-on activity.
1 Bus. Field Trip for Grade 6 to Richmond Waldorf School for Medieval Games.Time TBD.
1 Bus. Grade 2 will present their math circle at the COL at Cylburn Arboretum.
1 Bus. Grade 2 will go to Cylburn Arboretum to practice their math circle for the COL.
1 Bus. Field Trip for Grade 4 to the Baltimore Zoo to tour the exhibits and sketch.
1 Bus. Field Trip for Grade 8 to Wilderness Adventure at Eagle Landing, New Castle VA..