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Music Together-MR

Music Together classes in our Music Room through the summer. Contact Miriam Hack at 410 825-3881 to enroll. (The Aug 1 date is a make-up  class if necessary)

Music Together-MR

Music Together classes in our Music Room through the summer. Contact Miriam Hack at 410 825-3881 to enroll. (The July 31 date is a make-up  class if necessary)


Jason Winters will be renting Tamarind Hall for an ASL Interpreting event.

Divine Life Church Service-TH

The Divine Life Church of Falls Rd is holding their services in our Eurythmy room, 6th grade classroom and 2nd floor faculty lounge, thru May 27, 2108 except on May 6 when they will use TH.

Time includes set-up, service and breakdown. Contact person is Betsy McMahan 410 591-2626.

Raphael Branch mtg-HR

The Raphael Branch of the Anthroposophical Society meets monthly (usually 2nd Sunday) in our Handwork room.