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Bookbinding Workshop

Rental. Bookbinding workshops sponsored by Burdock & Bramble.At each Saturday workshop, participants will bind a hardcover book from start to finish using hand bookbinding tools and archival materials.Email for information. May 30 will feature Flower Box bookbinding.


Baha'i Meeting

Music Room. Rental. Setup at 4:45 pm, meeting starts at 5 pm.

Zoetics Completion

Rental. Zoetics Completion Workshops. Library in January, Eurythmy Room in July.

Zoetics Meditation

Rental. Zoetics Meditation Workshop. Eurythmy Room, except February 6-8 which will be held at Hill house.

Kesher School

Rental. Beit Tikvah Kesher Hebrew School uses first floor rooms, including second grade through fifth grade rooms plus the music room.