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School Event

Service Day at Paul's Place - 6th Grade

In honor of the Martin Luther King Junior Service Week, students will participate in a day of service work at Paul's Place.

Service Day at Paul's Place - 7th Grade

In honor of the Martin Luther King Junior Service Week, students will participate in a day of service work at Paul's Place.

Service Day at Paul's Place - 8th Grade

In honor of the Martin Luther King Junior Service Week, students will participate in a day of service work at Paul's Place.

Parent Meeting with Kim John Payne - Virtual

Kim John Payne, the creator of the Integrated Student Support Program, will be meeting with Middle School parents and providing an overview of the Social Emotional Learning program.

Parent Meeting with Kim John Payne - Virtual

Kim John Payne, the creator of the Integrated Student Support Program, will be meeting with Lower School parents and providing an overview of the Social Emotional Learning program.

Children's Garden Parent Meeting with Kim John Payne - Virtual

Kim John Payne, the creator of the Integrated Student Support Program, will be meeting with Children's Garden parents and providing an overview of the Social Emotional Learning program.

Parent Meeting with Kim John Payne - Virtual Meeting

Kim John Payne, the creator of the Integrated Student Support Program, will present an overview of the program we are developing at the school.