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The Wizard of Oz - Middle School Musical

The Wizard of Oz - Middle School Musical

2016-2017 Middle School Musical.

Lions, and tigers, and bears! Oh, my! Add in a sprinkle of Waldorf’s middle schoolers -- oh, yeah! The Waldorf School of Baltimore is proud to present, “The Wizard of Oz” the musical. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors to this one-of-a-kind student showcase. Experience the depth of middle schoolers’ theatrical range and intellectual creativity, while seated in our beautiful new hall.

2017 Showtimes are as follows:

Friday, March 31 @ 7 PM

Saturday, April 1 @ 4 PM

Sunday, April 2 @ 2 PM

Recommended for children ages 6 and older.

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THE WIZARD OF OZ By L. Frank Baum With Music and Lyrics by Harold Arlen and E. Y. Harburg Background Music by Herbert Stothart Dance and Vocal Arrangements by Peter Howard Orchestration by Larry Wilcox Adapted by John Kane for the Royal Shakespeare Company Based upon the Classic Motion Picture owned by Turner Entertainment Co. and distributed in all media by Warner Bros.

American Sign Language interpretation will be provided at all performances.