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Professional Eurythmy Performance-CG-3-10:45am

Professional Eurythmy Performance-CG-3-10:45am

Date / Time: 
Monday, November 16, 2015 - 3:45pm - Tuesday, November 17, 2015 - 4:15am

We are delighted to announce the Pennsylvania Eurythmy Ensemble is coming to our school to give two performances for our students and anyone in our community who are able to attend. They have lovely programs: one geared for Children’s Garden through Grade 3 and another geared for Grade 4 and up. Each performance will have a variety of music and poetry pieces suitable for the age level. And each performance will also include a story. For the younger children a Japanese tale: “The Magic Teakettle.” For the older students a Cornish tale: “Duffy and the Devil.”

10:45 AM for CG – Grade 3
  2:30 PM for Grades 4 - 8


Early Childhood
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Event Type: