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Halloween in the Children's Garden

Halloween in the Children's Garden

Halloween 2014

A special note for WSB Children's Garden families.

During the week leading up to Halloween, each class will celebrate in their own way. The Children’s Garden faculty asks that your child not bring costumes to school.
If you are organizing a celebration with costumes after school, please be respectful of the choices other families may make by not discussing your plans during school time.

Now that autumn has arrived and we are well into the month of October, Halloween is just around the corner. Halloween has been a tradition beloved by children. However, in recent years it has taken on aspects that are not the healthiest for young children. Children who have seen too many scary costumes and masks, eaten too many sweets, and stayed up late on Halloween may become upset and over-excited. They are often tired and restless the following day. We encourage parents to consider the following suggestions to help their children celebrate a simple Halloween with images that are healthy for them.

Children love to help carve pumpkins or other fall vegetables such as turnips, large gourds, or even certain varieties of winter squash. These lighted Jack-O’Lanterns lend a warm glow to the night. Homemade costumes need not be elaborate; children are often happiest with uncomplicated attire. Children look forward to putting together a costume that is meaningful for them. They may want to dress like characters from a story such as a king or a queen, knight, hobgoblin, gnome, or fairy.

Or they may want to be someone they are familiar with from everyday life such as an animal, farmer, baker, police officer, firefighter, dancer, doctor, or nurse. We recommend that you consider costumes without masks. Many young children’s perceptions of reality are still a bit tenuous and seeing people in masks is often frightening for young children. A mask hides the human face that defines a person’s true nature. Being unable to see the true nature of a person can make a disturbing impression on a tender soul.

Strive to keep your usual daily schedule of meals and bedtime, even on Halloween. If you go trick-or-treating, it need not be extensive. Visiting a few houses in your neighborhood or the familiar house of a friend could be very satisfying. In order to handle the candy dilemma, some families have relied on the Sugar Fairy to slip into the house on Halloween night, take some or all of the candy and treats, and leave in exchange a treasure, story book, or a small surprise

We hope these ideas will inspire your family’s celebration of this holiday.


Contact your Children's Garden teachers, for more information.

School / Grade: 
Early Childhood