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School Event

MS ERB testing

6th and 7th grades have their ERB testing. Make-up day on March 23.

1st Grade Tea

a tea is held for the Rising First graders and their families.

Moving Up Day

Grades 1-7 move their belongings to the next classroom. Parents are invited to attend and help.

CG Spring Tea-TH

The Children's Garden Faculty cordially invites our parents, children and relatives to a Spring Tea on Sunday, May 20, in Tamarind Hall from 11:00am-1:00pm.

Spring Concert-TH-7pm

Our annual Spring Concert featuring 4th through 8th grade students starts at 7:00pm in Tamarind Hall.

CG Weekend Work Picnic

This event is for Children’s Garden parents and their children, siblings welcome!

Contact your class teacher for details.