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School Event

School Picture Day

please ensure your children are dressed appropriately for class picture day. Forms will be distributed ahead of time by your class parent or teacher.

Grandparents' Day - Cinco de Mayo

Our annual May Day & Grandparents Day is open to all family and friends. This year will be a Cinco de Mayo theme. 



May Day Schedule

8:15 – 9:00am

Grades 1 – 7 Classroom Observations

8:30 – 9:00am               

Children’s Garden Classroom Visits

CG Dads Day Event

This event is for Children’s Garden Dads and their Children, siblings welcome!

Please join the Children's Garden teachers and Ms. Miller, our Sustainability Coordinator and Eco literacy Teacher for a morning in the garden. Dads, teachers and children will work together to care for our garden spaces. A picnic lunch will be provided by the teachers. Please dress to work in the garden and bring a garden shovel, gloves and a beverage to share. Contact your class teacher for details.

AWSNA Board mtg - ER, MR, LB, Hall,

Please see attached document for room needs - any other on-site events this weekend have to be first cleared by Marian Smith and Jo Keller. Thank you.

8th Grade Eurythmy Story-8:45am

8th grade will perform their Eurythmy Story for the Children's Garden, Grades 1 & 2, and any 8th grade parents who wish to attend. 

WSB hosts WECAN Regional Conf-Hall, ER, MR

WSB is hosting the regional conference of WECAN. Room usage tbd, so no rentals, please, this Friday or Saturday.