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School Event

Class Meeting Gr 4

Rescheduled grade 4 parent evening.Topics include upcoming animal projects, the class play, and the camping trip,  .

Middle School Twin Day

Dress the same way as a partner or partners. The cost is one Paul's Place donation to participate. Sponsored by the Student Council.

WSB Maypole at Cylburn Market Day

Join grades 4-8 at Cylburn Market Day for a special performance of the WSB Maypole dancing and recorder playing. We will perform before noon. Exact time TBD.

8th Grade Eurythmy Play

Special performance of the 8th Grade Eurythmy Play for the Children's Garden, Grade 1 and Grade 2 in the BYI multipurpose room.

Community Circle Meeting-ER

This is the third Community Circle Meeting. Presentations and discussion will focus on the program for the 2015-2016 school year. Eurythmy Room.

Par Ed-Substance Abuse

Mike Gimbel, one of the nation's most knowledgeable experts on substance abuse,  will present "Substance Abuse." Former Drug Czar for Baltimore County, Mike has worked in the field of substance abuse education, prevention, intervention and treatment for over 30 years. For more and a complete listing of the Parent Education Speaker Series,  view this flyer..

Par Ed-Eating Disorders

Dr. Graham Redgrave will present "Eating Disorders."  Dr. Redgrave joined the Johns Hopkins faculty in 2003. His clinical work focuses on eating disorders, but also includes work in mood, anxiety personality, and substance use disorders. For more plus a complete listing of the Parent Education Speaker Series, view this flyer.

All School Parents Meeting

Children's Garden will meet from 5:30-7:00 pm, and Grades 1-8 will meet from 7:00-8:30 pm.