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School Event

Moving-Up Day

Moving-Up Day. School dismissed at 12:15 pm (Aftercare Open)

May Day Celebration, Early Dismissed

May Day & Grandparents Day celebration, School dismissed 1 pm (Aftercare Open)

View the Schedule of May Day Events.

Family members attending classrooms and presentations, please RSVP by April 27 to Jo Keller at or 410-367-6808 x 210.

8th Grade Play

Learn more about a play by the eighth grade, "The Miracle Worker".
Share this year's posters featuring art by Rachael Stetina and Emma Arnold.

8th Grade Play

Learn more about a play by the eighth grade, "The Miracle Worker".
Share this year's posters featuring art by Rachael Stetina and Emma Arnold.

Eurythmy Assembly II

Grades 1 and 2, 4 and 5, and 8 will perform in the BYI Multipurpose Room.