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School Event

Spring Parent Child Class-9:30am-11:30am

Start your weekends in the forest! Immerse your child in nature through imaginative play, gardening activities, and adventurous walks through our certified wildlife habitat. Register at

TH booked for G8

Tamarind Hall will be booked exclusively for 8th grade during the three weeks before the performances. Check with Ms Arnold if you would like to request an exception and access to the hall during this time.

Waldorf Fair-10am-4pm

Artisan Vendors
Live Music
Faerie’s Grotto 
Family Crafts 
Jump Rope Making 
Marionette Show
Food truck service
And so much more!



Eurythmy Assembly-1:45pm-G4,5,6,8

Eurythmy Assembly I in Tamarind Hall. All are welcome. Grades 4,5,6 and 8 will perform.

8th Grade Eurythmy Story-8:45am-TH

8th grade performs their Eurythmy story in Tamarind Hall for the Children's Garden. This event is a gift from the oldest students to the youngest and is often quite comical. All welcome to attend. The play will eb repeated in the Eurythmy Assembly on Friday.

Talent Show-TH-6:30pm

Auditions will be held ahead of our Talent Show. All children, children in grades 4-8 are encouraged to participate.

All teachers, parents, and alumni encouraged to attend and enjoy the show on Feb. 7.