Students will choose fabric for a Fiber Arts project.
Basketball games held at: Green Meadow Waldorf School 307 Hungry Hollow Rd. Chesnut Ridge, NY 10977
8th grade will spend 5 days in VA with Living Earth Classrooms, leaving Monday morning at 8 and returning by dismissal on Friday.
I bus.
6th and 7th grades visit Oregon Ridge for a presentation on reptiles & amphibians, and a hike.
2 buses needed.
2 buses.
1 bus required.
8th grade will spend 5 days in VA with Living Earth Classrooms, leaving Sunday morning at 8 and returning by dismissal on Friday.
2 Buses. Field Trip to bake Hamantaschen for Purim
1 Bus. Grade 4 travels to the Aquarium.
1 bus. After school sports-Bowling.