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School Event

Basketball @ St James Academy-3:45pm - 1 Bus

 1 Bus. Our basketball teams play St James Academy away today. Boys at 3:30pm. Girls to follow.  Depart school at 2:45pm

Basketball @ Jemicy-3:45pm- 1 Bus

 1 Bus. Our basketball teams play Jemicy away today. Boys at 3:45pm. Girls at 4:45pm. Bus leaves school at 3:10 and return by 6:15.


Basketball @ Cambridge School-3:45pm-1 Bus

1 Bus. Our basketball teams play away @ Cambridge. Girls at 3:45pm. Boys at 4:45pm. Bus leaves school at 3:10 and return by 6:15.

Shepherds' Play-ER

Come Enjoy The Shepherds' Play, Wednesday, December 19th at 7pm in the Eurythmy room.  All are welcome.

Pepito the Clown-2:30pm

Z Smith, an alum of the WSB 8th grade Class of 1998, performs as Pepito the Clown, and is traveling to Baltimore to bring her latest show to our students. All families and friends of Z are welcome to attend this event in Tamarind Hall. No RSVP necessary.

Professional Eurythmy performance-1:15pm

WSB will host a professional Eurythmy troupe from Pennsylvania on November 2 for all our community to enjoy.

The 11am show is a 30 minute performance geared mainly for younger students, which includes the tale of "The Magic Tea Kettle".

The 1:15pm show is a 50 minute performance geared to older students, which includes the both haunting and dramatic story from Japan, "The Crescent Moon Bear" and some additional lighter pieces.

MS Movie (G5-8)

The MS invites fifth grade to join them for lunch and a movie. Details to follow.