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School Event

PA mtg-7:30pm

PA mtgs are open to all . Zoom link will be on the parent portal soon. 

1st Grade Class Mtg-9pm

Parents meet with the class teacher. Link will be emailed. One parent from each family is highly encouraged to attend. 

Cherry Tree Class Mtg-8:00pm

Parents meet with the class teacher. Link will be emailed. One parent from each family highly encouraged to attend. 

Chestnut Class Mtg-8:00pm

Parents meet with the class teacher. Link will be emailed. One parent from each family highly encouraged to attend. 

5th Grade Class Mtg-5pm

Parents meet with the class teacher. Link will be emailed. One parent from each family is highly encouraged to attend. 

PA mtg-7:30pm

PA mtgs are open to all . Zoom link will be on the parent portal soon. 

6th Grade Class Mtg-6:15pm

Parents meet with the class teacher. Link will be emailed. One parent from each family highly encouraged to attend. 

Rainbow Class Mtg-8pm

Parents meet with the class teacher. Link will be emailed. One parent from each family highly encouraged to attend.