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School Event

3rd Grade Parent Meeting

3rd grade Parent Mtg over Zoom. Link sent out from Ms Valencia to parents directly.

4th Grade Parent Meeting

4th grade Parent Mtg over Zoom. Link sent out from Ms Smith  to parents directly.

7th Grade Parent Meeting

7th grade Parent Mtg over Zoom. Link sent out from Ms Jones to parents directly.

8th Grade Parent Meeting

8th grade Parent Mtg over Zoom. Link sent out from Mr C to parents directly.

6th Grade Parent Meeting

6th grade Parent Mtg over Zoom. Link sent out from cmiller at twsb to parents directly.

Community Circle

Here at school our plans for the new school year are becoming firmer as we get a clearer picture of what our return to campus in the fall might look like.

Please join us from on Thursday, July 16 at 6:30 to 8 p.m. for a Community Circle meeting. We will present an overview of enrollment, staffing, program, and of course COVID.